This Is Your Brain on Ruby

There are plenty of ways to write a FizzBuzz program in any language, particularly Ruby with its TIMTOWTDI philosophy. Beyond the naive implementation, you can write it in one line, using only Procs, etc. Yet this still might be the oddest, most inscrutable implementation you’ll ever see:


Go ahead, paste it into irb and check that it works. I’ll wait here.

Wait, how does that work? Welcome to the wonderful world of BrainRuby. Check out the explanatory video, or read on.

The Inspiration

LANGUAGE WARNING! Unlike my usual style, this post uses some particularly salty language. Not by my choice, but because these are technical terms. I’ve gone ahead and censored them for you. Feel free to disable, though:

In 1993, Urban Müller created a minimalistic, Turing-complete language called Brainf***. The language is written as a contiguous String using 8 characters, each of which indicates a command to the interpreter. Here’s a Hello World program:


Obviously, this isn’t intended for production code. Instead, it pushes the boundaries of what’s possible to do in programming language design. How can we do the most with the least?

Unsurprisingly, many derivatives of Brainf*** exist, each pushing the boundaries (or adding a few commands) in its own way.

I was never all that interested in esoteric languages, but I was intrigued by a Brainf***-like “language”: JSF***, a 6-character JavaScript programming style which correlates 1-to-1 with any JavaScript code you might write normally.

Here’s a sample Hello World program:


Run it in your browser console and see what happens!

I began to wonder: Could this be done for Ruby? So I set out to create a Ruby programming style that would follow 4 rules:

  1. It must constitute syntactically valid Ruby.
  2. It must be possible to write any Ruby program using this style.
  3. No alphanumeric characters may be used.
  4. The list of allowed characters must be as short as possible.

The Challenge

JSF*** uses a simple strategy:

  1. Create a String containing your program
  2. Eval that String

It’s possible to do that in JavaScript because any JavaScript String can be created using the 6 allowed characters (this file should give you some idea of how it’s done), and you can eval any code using:

[]["filter"]["constructor"]( CODE )()

For BrainRuby, both steps were fairly challenging. We’ll start by building up a String, and then address how to eval it. Ultimately, BrainRuby needs just these 10 characters to work:


From 5 Characters to Any Ruby String

All it takes to build a String in Ruby is 5 characters: "<+/$. Let’s take this one step at a time.

  1. You can create an empty String in Ruby using "".

  2. If you shovel a number into a String, Ruby converts the number into the character with that code, then adds it to the end of the String. For example:

    #=> 97
    "" << 97
    #=> "a"

    We can repeat this as many times as we want:

    "" << 112 << 117 << 116 << 115
    #=> "puts"

    Finally, we can replace a number with 1+1+1+1... so along with stripping out unnecessary whitespace, that previous code sample becomes:

    #=> "puts"

    Now we’re down to just a single numeric character. How do we eliminate it?

  3. Ruby has a number of “magic” global variables. One is `$$`, which stores the PID of the currently running Ruby process. That doesn’t do much for us, since it will be different every time. However, thanks to math, `$$/$$` will equal 1 every time. Replacing every 1 with `$$/$$`:

    #=> "puts"

How to Eval Anything, Sort Of

Now that we can write any program, we just have to eval our String. How can we do that?

I don’t think Ruby has any built-in way of accessing eval without using alpha characters, so that option is out. However, a few clever hacks will get us there.

  1. We can use backticks to execute a new program on the command line:

    `echo "Hello"`
    #=> "Hello\n"

    Backticks also support interpolation:

    str = '"Hello"'
    `echo #{str}`
    #=> "Hello\n"

    So we can interpolate the program we’ve created within backticks. We’re almost there!

  2. The command line will expect shell scripts, not Ruby programs. But the ruby executable has a -e flag which lets you include your Ruby program in your invocation of Ruby:

    $ ruby -e "puts 'Hello World'"
    Hello World

    So for the program puts 'Hello World', we assemble the String ruby -e "puts 'Hello World'", and feed that into our backticks. Since the String is dynamically generated as described in the previous section, we’ll have to use interpolation to make that happen.

  3. We’re not out of the woods yet! The program will execute just fine, but the backticks method returns a String containing the output rather than actually printing it out. To solve this, we’ll need to preface our program with $><<. $> is another “magic” global variable, representing standard out. << is just the usual shovel operator. Taken as a whole, $><< is the equivalent of puts. So Ruby will run our program, then output the results to standard out!

Taken in sum, we can insert our program into this ERB template:

$><<`#{""<<<%= @program %>}`

and everything should run as expected!

This is exactly how the BrainRuby generator works. Check it out on GitHub and play around with it!

Remaining Challenges

BrainRuby has one noteworthy flaw: Since everything is run in a separate process, a BrainRuby file can’t require and use something from another BrainRuby file. Maybe you’ll figure out how to solve that problem!


BrainRuby won’t be directly useful in your daily development work (I hope!). But it’s an interesting experiment that taught me a lot about some lesser-known features of the Ruby language. And of course, it was a joy to play with it, tweak it, and finally see it working!

I got a real emotional rush from my work on BrainRuby. I hope you’ve enjoyed sharing that experience and seeing what’s under the hood. Please let me know in the comments if you learned something from what I shared; I certainly hope you did.

Written as part of the 2016 8 Crazy Blog Posts Challenge.
