The 3 Keys to Software Quality

Why do software projects fail?

This question is difficult to answer precisely because there isn’t a single answer. Sometimes the blame falls to technical debt which hamstrings scalability, the ability to ship new features, or the ability to respond to market demands. Other times it’s the lack of business model, which sinks the entire company. In certain situations, various parts of the organization not seeing eye-to-eye is the culprit; the lack of shared vision causes sales to over-promise, engineering to develop the wrong things, or marketing to pursue the wrong strategy.

The causes are many and varied, yet somehow as engineers we focus a lot on “Good Code” (however we choose to define it), which fails to address most of these problems. Why?

If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s because we as technical people are trained (or believe we are trained) to understand issues of Good Code more easily than we can solve business challenges or organizational dysfunction. As humans, we tend to favor investing time in the problems we know how to solve rather than the problems that most need careful solving (Parkinson’s Law of Triviality). Good Code is a problem we think we know how to solve, so we try to solve it and forget about the larger questions that determine the success or failure of our endeavors.

What is Software Quality?

Traditionally, we see the role of engineers as outputting high-quality software that meets a particular need. We then define “high-quality” in purely technical terms. This has to end.

The only point of writing software is to solve problems. In the context of a business, every bit of software writing should be meant to target one of three fundamental problems every business faces:

  • Generating Revenue (or, for a non-profit, doing good)
  • Lowering Costs
  • Reducing Risk

For the remainder of this post, I’ll include those 3 elements in the (badly defined) term “business value.” Other places on the internet may define business value otherwise; that’s fine, it’s just for this post.

If the purpose of software is to generate business value, it stands to reason that the quality of software is simply a matter of how much business value it generates. “Is it high-quality?” becomes a question of “How fit is it for purpose?”

That definition will probably make a lot of engineers uncomfortable. Isn’t my job to write code, and someone else can think about the business impact?

Sure, you could look at it that way. But that means that the fundamental question of whether your software is valuable—and, as I define it, high-quality—rests in the hands of other people without your input.

So think of it this way: The more you involve yourself in understanding, and maybe even influencing, the business elements of your project, the more effective you’ll be at creating the software your business/clients really need.

A New Framework

We do many things as engineers and as organizations to improve the quality of our software. I believe all these practices really target one or more of 3 primary objectives, which I term Usefulness, Sustainability, and Accuracy. (You’ll note that the acronym is USA. No, I didn’t choose the words for the acronym, it sort of just happened.) Let’s define these terms a bit better:

  • Usefulness asks the question: “Does the software solve the problem effectively?” It requires verifying both that the problem we imagine actually exists, and that our product solves the problem in the way that works best for the users.
  • Sustainability asks the question: “Can we keep building without unnecessary obstacles?” Certainly, we need to think about the software itself. Is it written in a flexible way that will allow us to come back later and make the changes we need? We also need to think about the development team, which likely undergoes far less churn than the code, and hence is even more important to the sustainability of your product than the software itself. Are you building up the team to support constant improvement and open lines of communication? Does the team have any instability that threatens future progress?
  • Accuracy asks the question: “Does our software work the way we think it does?” It focuses on the relationship between ourselves and our code. We must make sure that we’ve accurately understood the problem and the codebase, and as new information comes in we must always ensure the state of the codebase reflects the current state of our understanding.

With these 3 major objectives in mind, let’s get into the weeds a bit and think about how they impact our day-to-day work.

Making it Concrete

Every team, project, and situation will have its own way of defining how various practices support (or don’t) the 3 objectives. I’ll just give a few examples of practices that I’ve found to be impactful on the teams where I’ve worked. Let’s start with a visual map of how I see things:

Map of USA practices

Without getting into the gory details (though I did give a talk about that), here’s a guide to interpreting that picture.

The blue circle on the bottom is probably easiest to understand. It includes a variety of practices designed to increase confidence that what’s in your head matches what’s in the code. This includes testing practices, programming language features, tools and techniques for reducing complexity, and increasing the number of programmers who see and interact with code before it’s committed and deployed.

The green circle on the top-right is about maintaining flexibility while avoiding elements of instability. Anything that makes it easier to build without breaking things, creating a tangled mess, or backing yourself into a corner (from a perspective of product development) goes there. Also included are practices that build the team, improve the skills of developers, and make it easy (in the context of a larger organization) to interoperate with other teams and/or move people across team boundaries.

The top-left red circle is about connecting our applications to their purpose. Probably the most important piece is “Focus on Delivering Value”; all else can be derived from it. The red circle is populated by practices that help you understand your users more effectively, keep their needs in mind as you code, and do the most important work first. There are elements of both making the solution that works for them (researching their needs, making it performant) and making the solution work for them (providing it when they need it, with appropriate documentation, and the ability to find what they need).

One non-obvious (and likely controversial) thing is the fact that I’ve put a number of technical practices into the red circle. I believe that when we have multiple people working on code, or we explicitly document how a system is to be used via integration testing, that helps us focus on the end value provided to the user, at least opening up space for having conversations about the business value created by our software. I don’t think we’ve fulfilled our obligation to the Usefulness objective just by doing those things, but they’re a good start.

I’ve also mentioned a few central practices, which are just my opinion (as is the rest of this map):

  • I believe having a broad-based testing strategy provides meaningful signal on all 3, since it allows you to write correct code the first time, avoid breaking it later, and—if you write proper integration tests—helps you to keep user needs in mind.
  • Pairing and mobbing help you write code with fewer mistakes, build the team going forward, and provide space for conversations about the purpose of the current task and how to best accomplish it.
  • The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is about making sure each part of your system does one thing, and does it well. This makes it easier to write accurate code the first time; if the purpose is clearly defined, it’s much easier to test whether the code actually achieves it. It’s also easier to come back later and make a change, since you know exactly what to change. Finally, focusing on the purpose of your code helps keep in mind the big picture of why you’re writing the code in the first place.
  • Frequent releases allow you to deliver value more quickly to the user. If you think of value creation as represented by (value created per timetime software is in use), it’s clear that shipping value earlier beats later. Frequent releases also allow you to find bugs more quickly (users are really good at figuring out when your software is broken!) and avoid building castles on top of flawed ideas you only find out are flawed months later (hence helping Sustainability).

Again, these are just my own opinions, based on my experiences with these practices and how I’ve seen them utilized on the teams I’ve been part of. Your team will derive more or less, and different, benefit(s) from these same practices, and that’s normal and expected.

As an exercise, I’ve made a blank version of the map available in PDF, Keynote, or PowerPoint form for you to fill out with your own teams. I’d love to see how your maps stack up against mine!

Bridging the Gap

Bob Martin, citing Kent Beck, wrote that the Agile Manifesto was intended “to heal the divide between development and business.” Unfortunately, 16 years later, that’s nowhere near a solved problem.

I believe that divide can be healed if we learn to speak a common language, relating elements of technical excellence to meeting business needs, showing how the things we care about as engineers are things everyone should care about. That means going beyond our technical peers to understand the needs of other parts of our organizations, and figuring out our role in meeting those needs.

If we learn to speak the language of business, just a little bit, we can expect to see a lot more understanding and respect coming in the opposite direction, from businesspeople to developers. Maybe we’ll even develop psychological safety and trust. Wouldn’t that be great!

We’re all in this together. Let’s start acting like it.

Note: Based on a talk given at RailsConf 2017. Check out the original talk here.
